How will Google Glass be used to enrich people lives? I’m starting with my right eye.

image of a Google Glass

Dear Google Glass Team,

I’m a proud Google Glass Explorer, my first pair arriving today. My path with Glass will be unique and I wanted to share it with you.image of a Google Glass

When I was an adolescent I was diagnosed with Lazy Eye, a condition in my right eye that causes a state of poor vision.  20/20 in my left eye, and less than 20/40 in my right. The condition is not the result of a problem within the eye itself, but the brain’s choice to not utilize the “Lazy Eye”.  I visited various “Specialists” and the Hershey Medical Center as my parents sought out vision experts on the condition.  The message was discouraging to say the least, primitive may be a better word.

Throughout life this has challenged me in sports, socially, as well as mentally. Wearing a patch over one eye through elementary school as treatment.  Knowing that I may loose the vision in my right eye completely.  Worrying that someday I may not be able drive.  I took the ASVAB when I was in College, but did not pursue the military because I wanted to fly planes and could not due to the vision requirement.

None of these limitations kept me from buying a Google Glass.  My experience with Glass on day is unique.  My vision of how it will change my life and 3% of the US population’s vision will be shared with anyone facing an adversity similar to mine.  I’ve never allowed a limitation to keep me from my aspirations.  With Google Glass, and Dr. Hess’s findings I will remove the limitation itself.

I believe that with a tool like Google Glass we can create a way to monitor and analyze a vision related condition.  I’ve approach Dr. Robert Hess, Director of Research Department of Ophthalmology at the RI-MUHC and at McGill University.  I believe we can create ways to train the brain to utilize the “Lazy Eye” as Dr. Hess did in his study.


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